Marketing & lead generation

7 B2B Marketing Trends You Can’t Miss [2024]

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Welcome to 2024, where B2B marketing continues to evolve at a high rate of speed.  

As we move into this new *era*, it's crucial that businesses stay ahead of the curve by embracing the emerging trends shaping the landscape.  

From the integration of AI and automation to the unstoppable rise of video content, let's delve into the seven latest marketing trends that will be key for B2B marketing strategies in 2024.

Are you ready for it?

Top 7 B2B marketing trends this year

Top 7 B2B marketing trends this year

1. AI and automation: The power duo

In many ways, 2023 was the year that we really began to understand what AI is, and what it can do for us.  

Going into 2024, AI and automation have become seamlessly integrated into B2B marketing workflows, revolutionising the way companies engage with their audiences.

So, where could you find this digital marketing trend?

  • AI-powered tools: Predictive lead scoring algorithms can identify high-value leads, allowing sales teams to prioritise their contact efforts effectively.
  • Email marketing automation: Allowing to deliver personalised content based on user behaviour, increasing open, and click-through rates.  
  • AI-based content creation tools: 58% of marketers use AI for content creation, listing increased performance as a top benefit. AI can help generating tailored messages that resonate with specific audience segments, ensuring relevance, and engagement at scale.


2. Video content: The TikTok age

In 2024, video content will make up for 82% of the internet traffic.

Living in the TikTok age, video content continues its reign as the king of engagement, captivating audiences and driving meaningful interactions across platforms.  

B2B marketers are harnessing the power of video to convey complex ideas in an engaging and digestible format. It’s been reported that 66% of marketers lands more qualified leads through video marketing.  

How to get onboard of this B2B content marketing trend?

  • Product demonstration videos: Around 84% of video consumers claim they decided to buy a product or service after watching a brand ‘s video. Provide a visual tour of your company's offerings, highlighting key features and benefits in a dynamic way.
  • Customer testimonial videos: Humanise brands and build trust among potential buyers by showcasing real success stories and experiences.
  • Live-streamed events and webinars: Interact with your audiences in real time encouraging participation and establishing thought leadership within your industry.  


51% of marketers says video content has the best ROI among all the forms of content. As platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels gain traction in the B2B space, marketers are exploring innovative ways to leverage short-form video to capture attention and drive conversions.

3. The ABM expansion: personalisation at scale

Account-based marketing (ABM) takes personalisation to the next level in 2024, allowing marketers to tailor their messages to individual accounts with precision.  

75% of B2B marketers said that using ABM allowed them to find and contact the right buyers earlier in the buying process.  

By leveraging data insights and predictive analytics, B2B marketers can identify high-value accounts and deliver hyper-targeted content that resonates with decision-makers.  

How to leverage your data?

  • Personalised email sequences: Address specific pain points and challenges faced by key stakeholders within target accounts to drive engagement and conversion.

    Personalised emails increase 6 times the transaction rate . With the power of marketing automation (MA) tools such as efficy Marketing, you can streamline your email workflows and get visible results.

  • Personalised landing pages and content hubs: Provide resources and information tailored to the unique needs and interests of each account, fostering a personalised and immersive experience.  


61% of companies say that one of the main benefits of ABM is the increase of opportunities in the pipeline. 

As ABM continues to evolve, expect to see widespread adoption across all industries, with businesses leveraging technology and data to forge deeper connections and drive revenue growth.

4. Chatbots: the future of customer engagement

In 2024, chatbots are more than automated customer service agents; they are integral components of the B2B marketing toolkit.  

55% of companies that use chatbots for marketing report an increase in high-quality leads.

Powered by AI and natural language processing, chatbots provide instant support and assistance to prospects and customers, improving the overall user experience.  

How to join this current digital marketing trend?

  • Chatbots in landing pages: Engage in real-time conversations with visitors, answer frequently asked questions and guide them through the sales funnel. According to business leaders, chatbots have been reported to increase sales by 67%.
  • Messaging platforms: Apps such as WhatsApp and Slack allow you to offer personalised assistance and support to your customers wherever they are.  


By leveraging conversational marketing techniques with AI, B2B marketers can nurture and qualify more leads and facilitate seamless transactions, driving engagement and reducing friction along the buyer's journey.

5. Data-driven content strategy

Data is the lifeblood of effective B2B marketing and, in 2024, companies are leveraging it to inform all aspects of their content strategy.  

81% of marketers consider content to be a business priority.

By analysing customer behaviour, market trends and competitor insights, you can create data-driven content that resonates with your target audience.  

How to fuel your content strategy with data:

  • Social listening tools: Monitor online conversations and sentiment around specific topics or keywords, providing valuable insights into audience preferences and pain points. Some tools you can use are Semrush, Mention, or BuzzSumo.
  • Predictive analytics platforms: Forecast future trends and behaviours based on historical data, allowing you to anticipate customer needs and proactively deliver relevant content.  
Data-driven content strategy from Mariam Matuk


Content marketing generates more than three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less.  

By harnessing the power of analytics tools and machine learning algorithms, businesses can optimise their content strategy for maximum impact, ensuring that each piece of content resonates with the right audience at the right time.  

6. Interactive experiences: Driving deeper engagement

Interactive content experiences are gaining momentum in 2024 as B2B marketers aim to engage audiences on a deeper level. 79% of B2B marketers say that mixing interactive content with other types of content improves message retention.

While various forms of interactive content offer benefits regardless of their placement and use, some options are more effective than others at different stages of the sales funnel.

The Content Marketing Institute and Ion Interactive's data show that the most engaging options for each stage are:

  • Top of the funnel: Quizzes, contests, assessments, games, and interactive infographics.
  • Middle of the funnel: Interactive eBooks, interactive lookbooks, calculators, wizards, and interactive white papers.
  • Bottom of the funnel: Configurators and other sophisticated forms of interactive content.


From interactive quizzes and assessments to virtual events and augmented reality demonstrations, companies are leveraging technology to create immersive experiences that captivate and educate their audience.

By offering engaging and interactive content, brands can stand out in a competitive landscape and forge stronger connections with their audience.

7. Voice search optimisation

In 2024, B2B marketers are prioritising voice search optimisation to meet the growing demand for convenient, hands-free search experiences.  

Voice search is only one part of a wider revolution called conversational AI. This larger shift encompasses all technological innovation that aims to enable people to quickly get the answers they need.

With the rise of virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, voice search has become increasingly prevalent in both consumer and enterprise environments.  

B2B marketers are optimising their content and website structure to ensure compatibility with voice search queries. Efficiency is the most popular reason given for using voice. 76% of people who regularly use voice technology say it feels very natural to them.

Voice search is changing SEO by shifting the focus from traditional keyword-centric strategies to a more conversational, natural language approach, forcing companies to optimise long-tail and query-based queries. Developing a voice search SEO strategy requires a mix of technical expertise and a deep understanding of your audience's behaviour.

Final thoughts

The B2B marketing landscape in 2024 is marked by rapid evolution and innovation. From the integration of AI and automation to the rise of interactive content experiences, companies must adapt to meet the changing needs and preferences of their audience.  

As we navigate this dynamic landscape, one thing remains clear: the importance of putting the customer at the centre of our strategies

In this era of hyper-connectivity and competition, success depends on our ability to innovate, adapt and, above all, connect with our audiences in a meaningful way.  

Get started today!  

Revolutionise your B2B marketing strategy and connect with your audience on a deeper level with our comprehensive marketing automation platform, efficy Marketing.



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