Why a Chamber of Commerce has to use a CRM?
An ICC must be in touch with its members, it must understand what its customers want, what it has done for them and be able to measure it. For example, when Olivier Willocx installed the CRM at BECI, at the time it did not have a precise and detailed vision of its activity for companies. The Brussels Chamber of Commerce did not know what it was doing in detail for each company in its fold.
De facto, the feeling of corporate clients was mixed about BECI as Olivier said: “Some companies told us”The ICC is useless”. But we were unable to say “But yes, we did this, that and that again for you …”.
Following the installation of CRM, I decided to put my phone number on calls for contributions, saying: “You want to know what we did for you? Contact me, here is my direct line”. What is interesting is that many companies contacted me asking me “Did you really do something for us?”. And actually, they didn’t know that many actions had been done.
The first call was an American company with 21 lines of actions made for them (social law, tax …). The second company had 11 actions done just for them. As a result, these companies told me: “We were absolutely unaware of everything that had been done for us, so your contribution is not expensive”.