Catering is one of the favourite businesses in Spain.
In 2018 alone there were 279,396 restaurants in the country. That is, there is one bar or restaurant for every 167 inhabitants. A real madness.
With this density of business, it's no wonder that competition increases year after year and businesses close almost as fast as they open.
In fact, according to some estimates, 70% of restaurant businesses that open close before their second birthday.
The main reason:
Lack of experience in restaurant management.
According to Jorge Blasco, one of the main advisors specialised in rescuing restaurants, only 5% of the premises use pricing (a way of measuring the unit cost of each dish served), one of the most basic management measures.
If you don't want to be an ordinary restaurant and risk joining the ranks of those who are forced to close, management should be your main concern.
And the best management software that exists is CRM
A CRM for restaurants will help you to manage 4 areas in your business in an impeccable way
Management of the suppliers with a CRM
As we have mentioned, the lack of information as basic as the pricing is one of the main reasons for the closure of restaurants. With a CRM you can have that information centralized and also all this information:
Having all this information available and centralised is the first step on the road to more efficient management of your premises.
In all businesses, the customer is the heart of the business. Restaurants are no exception.
Most of these businesses have a lot of data on their customers that they do not take advantage of because they simply do not record it.
From contact information to frequency of visit, to dishes, drinks and favourite table, average ticket or home orders; having all this information available to the staff when the customer comes to your business allows you to treat them well above average.
And you can do this with a CRM.
Discovering dishes that do not sell and that should be removed from the menu, as well as those that go out the most and should be promoted, is another of the tasks you can carry out with a CRM for restaurants.
Thanks to a tool like this you will also discover the days with more and less traffic or you will be able to manage the reservations made by phone and mail.
By storing all the data we have reviewed, you would have a much better overview of your restaurant than without it, but one of the main advantages of having the information is that you could make totally personalized promotions:
The list is endless and depends exclusively on your imagination and the quantity and quality of information you collect from your customers in your CRM.
If you want to start enjoying these advantages in your business, efficy's CRM solutions are your best option.
The best proof of this is the more than 4,500 clients in more than 33 countries who already sell more thanks to our tool.
If you also want to start selling more, request a demo.
To know more:
How can a CRM help a hotel?
What is hidden behind the price of a CRM?