CRM technology

efficy vs Agile CRM: Which One Helps You More in Your Business?

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Today there are several innovative and advanced CRM platforms for all types of business. However, today we will focus on two: Agile CRM vs efficy.

Every day there are more and more companies in the market and therefore the competition is growing little by little.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a CRM system that helps us to optimise processes such as marketing, sales, support and many more.

Let's find out what similarities and pros and cons each solution offers. Let's get down to business!


efficy vs Agile CRM

Let's learn a little more about each solution:  

efficy is a cloud-based solution that integrates core business functionalities. 

Created in 2005 in Belgium, it is a complete, flexible and extended software for medium and large companies.  

That said, let's take a closer look at the relevant functionalities compared to Agile CRM.


Comparison between efficy and Agile CRM

pipedrive vs efficy
  • Mobile App 
  • Document Management 
  • Calendar view and activity management 
  • Gmail Integration 

Subtotal: 20€/month


  • Outlook Integration
  • Complete sales management 
  • Phone Support 
  • Unlimited Contacts 
  • Microsoft Office 365 Integration 
  • KPI management 
  • API  

Total: 20€/month


agile crm vs efficy

Agile CRM

  • Mobile app
  • Document Management
  • Calendar view and activity management
  • Gmail Integration

Subtotal: Free

  • Outlook Integration (From: 7.74€)
  • Complete sales management (From: 41.34€)
  • Phone Support (From: 12.91€)
  • Ulimited Contacts (From: 41.34€)
  • Microsoft Office 365 Integration (From: 7.74€)
  • KPI management
  • API ( Up to  25000 calls) 

Total package: 41.34€/month


With both CRMs you get:

  • Mobile application
  • You can manage and store documents
  • Work collaboratively
  • And you can integrate your gmail account with any of the CRMs.

Now, how do the two solutions differ?

Here are some comparisons:

  • Total sales management: Agile CRM gives you the option to have total control of your negotiations at $47'99. However, with efficy, in any of its plans, you have full control of all your sales opportunities, with no limits.
  • Unlimited contacts: With CRM Agile you can manage your contacts in a reduced way and if you want to increase it to more, it costs $47'99. Now with efficy, you can save and manage as many contacts as you want indefinitely.
  • Synchronisation with Microsoft Office 365: How convenient it is to manage all Office documentation from a CRM, where you can edit and save it directly, without the need to be making versions over and over again. efficy in all its plans gives you this option to work with any Office document simultaneously, while Agile CRM has a cost from $8'99.

That said, if we talk about price, with efficy if you pay 20€ per month (annual plan), you can get these functionalities and more.

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Learn more about:  

What are the different types of CRM?  
Free CRM: Real good idea or scam?  
What is it and why do you need a CRM for business?  
What is a Cloud CRM and what are its advantages?