CRM technology

efficy vs CRM Microsoft Dynamics: Which One Is the Best?

3 min read · Listen

Choosing the right CRM can be a headache, that's why at efficy we have created a comparison between our solution and Microsoft Dynamics 365. Let's get to it! 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be defined as an organised approach to developing, managing and maintaining a profitable relationship with customers. 

Currently many types of CRM are chosen depending on customer needs, such as operational CRM, analytical CRM and collaborative CRM. 

However, it is necessary to put on the table that having the right CRM for our company helps us to get better lead management, have good sales forecasting, get instant messaging between employees, marketing integrations, and much more. 

CRMs are designed with the different requirements of the target audience in mind. 

Therefore, it is obvious that not just any solution will fit your company's needs. 

That's why we recommend you to compare the features of these 2 great tools so you can make a final decision.

efficy vs Microsoft Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 was founded in 2002 by Microsoft, it is a software that provides sales and customer service management. 

Created in 2005 in Belgium, it is a complete, flexible and extended software for medium and large companies.


Well, let's get to know efficy and Microsoft Dynamics 365 in depth

Efficy vs Microsoft Dynamics
  • efficy and Microsoft DynamicsMobile App
  • efficy or Microsoft DynamicsUnlimited Contacts
  • efficy vs Microsoft Dynamics, which one is the bestPhone Support
  • Microsoft Office 365 Integration
  • Document Management

Subtotal: 20€/month

  • API
  • Complete sales management
  • KPI management
  • Gmail Integration

Total: 20€/month



Microsoft Dynamics vs Efficy


  • Unlimited Contacts
  • Phone Support
  • Microsoft Office 365 Integration
  • Document Management

Subtotal: 54.80€/month

  • API (Limited use)
  • Complete sales management (From: 80.10€ )
  • KPI management (From 80.10€)
  • Gmail Integration (additional configuration)

Total package: 80.10€/month


If we take a closer look:

efficy offers you many more options than MS Dynamics, for example:

  1. Management: At efficy we have full sales management, document management and storage and KPI management included in all our solutions at no extra cost. As for the other solution, this type of functionality is obtained with the paid solutions from €80/month.
  2. API: All efficy solutions have the unlimited API functionality, which is used to integrate a large number of applications so that they can communicate with each other. In the case of MS Dynamics this option is limited in its plans.
  3. Integrations: efficy has integration with Outlook, Gmail and Microsoft itself in all its solutions. In the case of Microsoft Dynamics, integrations such as Gmail are an additional configuration service.

Now some advantages between both solutions:


  • Both tools have a mobile application. (efficy App and Microsoft Dynamics App)
  • Unlimited contacts
  • B2B and B2C targeted
  • Document management and storage
  • Telephone support

What about price?

efficy is the most cost-effective, as for only €20 per month (annual plan), you can get all the features of the comparison chart and more. 

With MS Dynamics, on the other hand, you would have to pay approximately more than €80 per month (more if you want additional modules, of course). 

We sincerely hope that this comparison will help you decide which CRM you need for your business. 

Maybe if what we have shown you convinces you, ask for a demo now!

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Learn more about: 

What are the different types of CRM? 
Free CRM: Real good idea or scam? 
What is the best CRM for your business?